Comp Info: Who We Are and What We Do

Founded in 1991 and distributed to over a thousand universities and libraries throughout the world, The Harvard Review of Philosophy is one of two professional journals of philosophy in the nation entirely run and edited by undergraduate students, and remains the only publication of its kind to be published in print annually.

Members of The Review have the rare and unparalleled opportunity to work with eminent philosophers and intellectuals throughout the publication process. Our issues have included work by or interviews with many leading figures in contemporary philosophy, including Derek Parfit, Sir Karl Popper, Martha Nussbaum, W. V. Quine, Cornel West, John Rawls, Noam Chomsky, Peter Singer, Slavoj Žižek, Hilary Putnam, and Bernard Williams.

Comping HRP

We pride ourselves on having an inclusive and accessible comp process — we do not cut compers or require auditions/samples. All are encouraged to comp the Review regardless of background; prior philosophical experience is great, but ambition and interest are just as good, if not better.

We host two comps, one during the Fall and one during the Spring. Each comp has slightly different requirements, as fits with our publishing schedule.

Fall Comp Requirements

  1. Participation in weekly philosophical discussion meetings

  2. Soliciting professional philosophers to contribute to the Review

Spring Comp Requirements

  1. Participation in weekly philosophical discussion meetings

  2. Edit an academic philosophy article

  3. Write a popular philosophy article

The comp process involves drafting solicitation letters to a set number of philosophers. Historically, we have required compers to write and send five solicitation letters to complete the comp process. This number is subject to change based on the needs of the journal. After completing the comp requirements to a satisfactory degree, compers will be elected full editors and have their names added to our masthead. Full editors will also get to work on submitted articles during the editorial review period in the Spring semester.